Tuesday, May 19, 2015

What Is Wrong With Texas?

What is wrong with Texas? Well let me think a moment. Ouch, that hurts my head. Will some one any one please who is in Congress please write legislation so Texas can secede from the Union?  After all, this is what they have wanted a long time.

The governor just signed a law prohibiting any municipalities from passing any laws restricting fracking.  What happened to less government? (Texas Gov signs bill against cities that ban fracking)

And Texas isn't the Lone Start State for nothing. So if its a Lone Star State its time to give Texas it's long desired wish.

Let Texas be the Country of Texas. Once that happens take the FAA, FBI, DEA, CBE (customs Border Enforcement), TSA. All military and close the bases of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. No more FEMA funds since it is from the 'bad Federal government'.  Any federal agency in Texas out of Texas.  I am sure they can just get along without the United States of America.

So what happens if a hurricane, tornado, summer fires or flooding happen? Have them organize a bake sale at their local church. Remember local control is the buzz word here.

You can't have it both ways Texas. I am so tired of all the moaning and grubling about Obama did this Obama did that. And another thing, what is a Log Cabin Republican? Isn't that an oxymoron? And the women in Texas. What is wrong with you girls. Good grief. I guess you need to be kept barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen where you belong.

Time to give Texas its wish to secede. Let them print their own money and leave them alone.