Tuesday, June 16, 2015

What's wrong with Texas.

As I sit here typing I have wondered what in the world is wrong with the state of Texas. I think I have found out what is really wrong. Texas never really was ready for state hood. Even after Santa Ana Texas was their own 'country'. Fast forward to today and Texas still thinks it is better than the United States of Merica (yeah I spelled it that way on purpose.

The paranoia exhibited by Texas today is amazing. Spending tax payers money for the Texas National Guard to 'keep an eye' on Governor asks Texas State Guard to monitor SOCOM exercise. 

The other area that astonishes me is the number of Texans without health insurance. According to the Texas Medical Association, in Health Insurance Coverage of Adults 19-64, 2011-2012, U.S. and four largest states, Texas has Texas   15,678,700 of those 4,969,600 are uninsured. Health Insurance Coverage of Children 0-18, 2011-2012, U.S. and four largest states, Texas has 6,252,600 children uninsured.

Of course this would be okay if it was just after the Alamo but its not. Its now these figures are 2012 figures not 2015 figures. Texas Medical Association

Some of you may or may not know about what a Hospital Emergency Room is required to do. Federal law mandates that hospitals treat sick patients who come to the emergency room regardless of their ability to pay — whether or not those hospitals get uncompensated care funding. 

President and CEO George Masi of Harris Health System is in a conundrum. Using Medicaid waiver funds is what is helping President and CEO George Masi of Harris Health System.

Lets get back once more to the independence streak Texas has. Even Sam Houston was perplexed as he raised taxes and fees on the new Republic of Texas. If you want to understand Texas you have to understand the history of Texas and how as the first President of the Republic of Texas Houston was much like General Washington.

During a vote to accept Texas as a State,  former United States President John Quincy Adams, now a member of the House of Representatives, blocked its passage. Adams, an avowed abolitionist, was determined not to admit any state that supported slavery.

So what is it about Texas? Texans are indepedent. If they are that independent then an act of Congress should be passed to allow Texas again to become a Republic with all financial ties to the United States of America cut. Every government agency, FBI, NSA, CIA, Coast Guard, FAA and any other government alpha bet soup gone. No more FEMA. You see it was was bandied about by some Texan's that FEMA was a waste of good tax payer money.

On August 26, 2011, Ron Paul decided to trash FEMA just before hurrican Irene came ashore.  He went on to cite the deadly hurricane of 1900 that leveled Galveston, Texas and killed more than 6,000 people as an example of a better life before FEMA. “I live on the gulf coast, we deal with hurricanes all the time,” said Paul.

According to the Houston Chronicle, September 16, 2011Texas was on fire and the volunteer firefighers were "...outmatched, underfunded and ill-equipped to fight the unprecedented onslaught of fires fueled this year by unceasing drought."

According to an article in the Christian Science Monitor, September 7, 2011 (not a very liberal news paper), it's headline was, Texas wildfires: Is Rick Perry being hypocritical asking for federal aid?

So there you have it. Lets give Texas what it wants, complete and total independence from the United States of America. If you have a disaster, oh I don't know, like wild fires or hurricanes or tornadoes or flooding, have your churches hold a bake sale and leave the United States alone. 

Time for Texas to become a Republic again.

- See more at: http://www.texmed.org/uninsured_in_texas/#sthash.S0FpYAtY.dpuf
- See more at: http://www.texmed.org/uninsured_in_texas/#sthash.S0FpYAtY.dpuf
Health Insurance Coverage of Adults 19-64, 2011-2012, U.S. and four largest states  - See more at: http://www.texmed.org/uninsured_in_texas/#sthash.S0FpYAtY.dpuf
Health Insurance Coverage of Adults 19-64, 2011-2012, U.S. and four largest states  - See more at: http://www.texmed.org/uninsured_in_texas/#sthash.S0FpYAtY.dpuf
Health Insurance Coverage of Adults 19-64, 2011-2012, U.S. and four largest states  - See more at: http://www.texmed.org/uninsured_in_texas/#sthash.S0FpYAtY.dpuf
Health Insurance Coverage of Adults 19-64, 2011-2012, U.S. and four largest states  - See more at: http://www.texmed.org/uninsured_in_texas/#sthash.S0FpYAtY.dpuf
Health Insurance Coverage of Adults 19-64, 2011-2012, U.S. and four largest states  - See more at: http://www.texmed.org/uninsured_in_texas/#sthash.S0FpYAtY.dpuf
Health Insurance Coverage of Adults 19-64, 2011-2012, U.S. and four largest states  - See more at: http://www.texmed.org/uninsured_in_texas/#sthash.S0FpYAtY.dpuf
Health Insurance Coverage of Adults 19-64, 2011-2012, U.S. and four largest states  - See more at: http://www.texmed.org/uninsured_in_texas/#sthash.S0FpYAtY.dpuf
Health Insurance Coverage of Adults 19-64, 2011-2012, U.S. and four largest states  - See more at: http://www.texmed.org/uninsured_in_texas/#sthash.S0FpYAtY.dpuf
Health Insurance Coverage of Adults 19-64, 2011-2012, U.S. and four largest states   - See more at: http://www.texmed.org/uninsured_in_texas/#sthash.S0FpYAtY.dpuf
Health Insurance Coverage of Adults 19-64, 2011-2012, U.S. and four largest states   - See more at: http://www.texmed.org/uninsured_in_texas/#sthash.S0FpYAtY.dpuf
Health Insurance Coverage of Adults 19-64, 2011-2012, U.S. and four largest states   - See more at: http://www.texmed.org/uninsured_in_texas/#sthash.S0FpYAtY.dpuf
Health Insurance Coverage of Adults 19-64, 2011-2012, U.S. and four largest states   - See more at: http://www.texmed.org/uninsured_in_texas/#sthash.S0FpYAtY.dpuf