Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tis the silly season it seems. From those who think its Obama's fault that the sun sets too early in the winter to it's Obama's fault that the wind blew a tree into a car.

Lets review shall we? Gas prices low. Very low. [✔]

Stock market on a high (you have a retirement account?) [✔]

US automakers doing a booming business? [✔]

A lot of people having health care and not going bankrupt over their healthcare? [✔]
 *Are there problems yes. Are they solvable, yes. I still have not heard from the conservative republicans about passing their own health care. They have not brought any thing up for a vote to replace Obama Care. (Oh and while I am on it, I have spoken to some people on 'Obama Care'. Interestingly enough their insurance card does not have Obama Care on it but only the insurance companies name. Wow. You would have thought it it was Obama's and not a Republican idea it would have Obama's name on the insurance card.

Is any one on social security retirement. Hows that COLA working out for ya all? And all you have to do is look at what the Republican's have in mind for your Social Security. Privatize it turn it over to the banking industry. How did that work out with the housing sector? Raise the retirement age? Wow really? If you are a white senior citizen male and look forward to retiring know that if the Republicans get a shot at it they will raise the retirement age.

Remember when  Mitch McConnell stated he would make sure Obama was only a one term president. How did that work out Mitch? He was elected for a second term and oh how you howled. Remember the melt down of Karl Rove in Fox?

And to this day the Republicans still cannot stand to say that Obama has done well. Not excellent, not awesome but done well.

The next thing you need to consider is Ben Carson. Do you really think that the Republicans will elect another black president? Really? And what is a Log Cabin Republican? That sounds like an oxymoron. Good luck guys. When was the last time any of the Republican candidates asked you to support you publicly.

What is a Muslim Republican? Really. Wow. Good luck with that. Any Republican Muslims been invited to support any of the Republican candidates?

While we're at it. All of you people in college, how's that debt going with you. You do know you cannot discharge this though bankruptcy? And Obama is the one who made a slight change to cut out the middle man. Think about it people.

Any Hispanics here? I know some of you love Rubio who is Cuban. However there is a small price that most of you Hispanics pay for being Hispanic here and not Cuban Hispanic. That is the Wet Foot Dry Foot loophole. Say you are Cuban and you come through Mexico and happen to arrive in Texas. Guess what!! Welcome mi amigo. However if you are from the lower parts of South America we have a wonderful detention center waiting for you.  So a double standard for all.

The we have the 'Green Eggs and Ham' Ted Cruz.  Wow. I thought for a moment he was Speaker of the House. Oh wait he's a senator? Machiavelli should be so proud.

President Obama has deported more illegals than any other president.

And ladies. Hello (bows formally to the women. Remember a woman can prevent from becoming pregnant in the case of rape. August 2012 Tod Akin stated his absolute opposition to abortion (no exceptions for rape) by claiming that the victims of “legitimate rape” have biological mechanisms in place to reject and prevent pregnancy. Im sure that most of the OBGYN's were wondering where Mr. Akin's obtained his medical degree.

There are only two front runners in the Democratic field, Berni Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Sometimes the electorate shoots themselves in the foot.

Look I know we are afraid. I know that. But when you see people saying they will shoot down Russian aircraft in a Syrian no fly zone, remember the Russian's have subs capable of and willing to fire at the US. Most of the Republican pack were not alive during WWII. The Soviets were invaded by Hitler. To this day they are a paranoid nation.  China is loosely allied with Russia. Not to mention what North Korea would do.

I am sorry conservatives and republicans but the world does not revolve around the United States. Countries will agree with us sometimes and sometimes not. Take Iraq? The UK pulled out. The Aussies pulled out. Who did the heavy lifting? We did. And for what? Don't say to bring about regime change. The worst word President Bush used was 'crusade'. Not understanding what that word meant.

Lord I really miss a real Republcian General and President like Dwight Eisenhower.  A real leader and a real compassionate conservative. Who, if he were to run today would not even be on the lower tier of CNN or Fox Business.

So when you vote, remember, if you vote Republican you get what you voted for.