Saturday, April 23, 2016

COMING DOWN TO THE WIRE: Why Progressives and Liberals Shoot Themselves In the Foot.

    It's now coming down to the wire.  All of you progressives and liberals who think that the Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the worst president in the world think about this one thing; President Donald  J. Trump, or President Ted Cruz.
    If you stay home and do not go to for Hillary Clinton if she is the nominee or Bernie Sanders, if he is the nominee then by default you are voting Republican.
    This is what happens when you don't vote.   You also have the problem of the down ballot. That pesky little thing that will lose the Senate and the House of Representatives for the Democrats.
   I  will not bore you again with why the Democrats lost  in 2012. You Democrats who stayed home in 2012 gave away the Senate and gave way the House of Representatives to the Republicans. You by not voting handed Congress to the Republicans in 2012.
     I will not tell you what to do.  I will however, explain to you, what will happen, should you stay home and be a little child pounding your little feet on the floor like a two-year-old in a temper tantrum.
    If Hillary is nominated as the presidential candidate for president of the United States, and it looks like she is going to be the nominee,  you had better vote for her.   Do you really as a progressive, and as a liberal really think that Donald J. Trump  would be the best president ever for the progressive movement in the United States? Do you really think that?  Do you really think that Ted Cruz will be the best president for the progressive and liberal movements in the United States?  Do you really think that?
  As I shared just now, it does look like Hillary will win the nomination.  The question is, will we have a Democrat in the White House, along with the down ballots of Democratic Senators and House of Representatives, or will we have Donald J. Trump and Ted Cruz, and totally lose the Senate and the House of Representatives to the Republicans again like in 2012?
   Think people think.  Hold your nose and vote the Democratic nominee if you are a liberal or a progressive.  If you don't, you have just defaulted in switching your party to Republican by not voting.


Friday, April 22, 2016

MSPA: Mystery Shopping Providers Association

I joined MSPA to day and at the moment I am not impressed with their customer service, their web site nor their attention to detail. If this was a Mystery Shop company the would have no clients. 
I paid $25.00 to join then paid $25.00 for Professional Responsibility & Ethics. I do not even have a link in the welcoming email and the email was a boiler plate along with the invoice for the PR&E.

I am also trying to get the silver certification however evidently that is even hidden some where deep in their web site. 
Oh yes I went to their Facebook page and sent what is in "My Two Cents Worth". However there is a small problem. My post must be viewed before it is posted. What do you want to bet the $50.00 I paid that the post will never appear on their Facebook page? I would rather see a post like this then some one contacting me and after clearing up all the confusion have me the author revise the post.
"Intro to Mystery Shopping Certification (formerly silver certification)
This is your introduction to mystery shopping. This certification course will teach you the basics and serve as a foundation for your future in the industry. (Must be completed on a PC or Mac)

*ATTENTION: The Intro to Mystery Shopping Certification course is included in your first year membership dues, a link is provided in your welcome email to take the course. All sales are final, no refunds."
Notice it states a link is provided in my welcoming email to take the course. No it wasn't, no link nothing about the PR&E nor the Intro to Mystery Shopping Certification course was in the email.
You will also notice there is no recourse for you if you purchase the wrong courses.  
All sales are final, no refunds

I sent an email to them but I have very little hope in that since I sent one to them on 4/16/2016. This is the first paragraph of the auto response I got on 4/16/2016 and have not received a reply yet:

"Thank you for your recent inquiry with the MSPA-NA. Due to high volume of inquiries MSPA-NA receives daily, this is an automatic response that answers a few general questions we receive from shoppers. If your question or request is answered below, you will not receive a follow up response from the MSPA-NA team. If your question is a unique one, we will respond to your e-mail directly."

A unique one? Really? Come on. I cannot in good conscious recommend MSPA for any one seriously considering joining MSPA. Instead I would take some of the courses that are offered by the individual Mystery Shop companies. Some are free and others are less expensive than what is being offered by MSPA. 
I do hope I am wrong, I really do for I have heard a lot of good things about MSPA, however hearing good things and experiencing what I have experienced are two different things.

If you become a member of MSPA be ultra cautious in your purchases you can spend a lot of money on courses that will not get you your MSPA certification.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Okay all you progressives, liberals and other like minded individuals, take a deep breath and walk away from the water cooler.  I know there are some that cannot stand Hillary Clinton and think she is an anathema to the progressive movement and all it stands for. There are others that are just as passionate and are against Bernie Sanders.

If you are in that category welcome to Politics 2.0.  It's messy, confusing and guaranteed to raise your blood pressure. However if you decide to stay home and not vote if Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders gets nominated, then you elect Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. You will in effect empower the two nominees in a presidential election the guarantees a Republican president.

Do any of you progressives, liberals or others remember when you stayed home during the mid-term elections and elected Mitch McConnell and Rick Scot again, not to mention other House and Senate republican members and how much every one of you boo hood about that election?

Well, I have news for you, if you stay home and not vote you will give more seats in the senate and house to to the Republicans. If you stay home and don't vote for the Democratic parties nominee you will only have yourself to blame when President Donald J Trump or President Ted Cruz stands and places their hands on the bible and takes the oath for President of the United States and are stuck with either of them for the next 8 years. Now think about that all you who hate the thought of Hillary Clinton as President or Bernie Sanders of President. If you stay home you will elect for the next 8 yrs either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz.

You will also give control of both houses, House of Representatives and the Senate to the Republicans.  A worse scenario than the mid term elections in 2008.

Take a look at the rural vote in 2012 

"The lesson seems to be that there are a lot of Democrats living in rural communities who just don’t vote — or they don’t vote unless they have a good reason."

Okay how about not having Donald J. Trump or Ted Cruz for president. Think people think!

Why Democrats Lost the House to Republicans in 2010

Again and again, Democrats, Progressives and Independents shoot yourselves in the foot.  If you want to stay home in 2016 if Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders is the nominee do so. If you do stay home don't tell your friends because your absence at the voting booth was a vote for Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. I don't want to hear a sound from any one who does stay home.

Vote either one who gets the nomination Hillary or Bernie. It's your only choice.