Sunday, May 15, 2016


Please notice I am shouting.  Really, ladies are you actually kidding me?  ABC, Anyone But Clinton.  Let's review this.  If you ladies  are not for Clinton, will not vote for Clinton, will not even consider voting for Clinton, then you will hand the election over to Donald Trump.  Some of the women have actually said that if Hillary Clinton is the nominee of the Democratic Party they will vote for Donald Trump.  Really? OMG

Really?  The ladies, and the men who are for Bernie Sanders and wake up now.  You saw what happened in the midterm elections, did you not?  We lost the Senate and we lost the House. why did we lose the Senate and the House?  Some said it was because they were disappointed in Obama.  Others  said the House and Senate were safe, Democrats should just stay home and know everything was fine. (And again my refrain: OMG ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!)

I know Jeff Weaver, Sanders campaign manager wants to rail against Hillary Clinton.  That's his job.  However, there comes a time when you give ammunition to the Republican Party to destroy the democratic nominee.  All you have to do is read two books,  Machiavelli, and the art of war by Sun Tzu.

The problem in this election cycle is that Donald Trump is not running as a politician, he's running as a salesman.  A politician and the salesman or similar, yes, but totally different.  Look at the way Donald Trump has run his campaign.

If you think the last four years for the Democrats were bad, with a Republican Congress do nothing at all, and if you stay at home or vote for Donald Trump, you will have Donald Trump as your president for next four years.  Let me repeat that, YOU WILL HAVE DONALD TRUMP AS YOUR PRESIDENT FOR THE NEXT FOUR YEARS.

I'm now going to address the women who were either passionate about Bernie Sanders or hate Hillary Clinton's guts. WAKE UP LADIES!  And you men who are against Hillary Clinton and are hard set as the granite, you need to ask yourself, is Donald Trump going to change his style if he is elected president of the United States.  Remember, Donald Trump is not running as a politician he is running as a salesman.

Anyone who has worked in commission only sales knows the only thing that is important is the sale.  It doesn't matter if you're selling cars, selling vacuum cleaners on running for political office in the disguise of a politician knowing you are running in what made you millions, that of a salesman.

Bernie supporters, both men and women  and those independents who might withhold your votes,  are progressive in their passion, wake up because on election day you'll  have as president, Donald Trump, or Hillary Clinton.  And there is another pesky problem, the presidency is not won on the popular vote, its won in the electoral college.

How many black people, and I'm not talking about the token blacks.  I am asking about the black men and black women.  How many are on the podium and Donald Trump?  In the L G B T community, how many are standing on the podium with Donald Trump?  You students with huge, student debt, how many of you between the ages of twenty and twenty-five are on the podium with Donald Trump, explaining how he will move forward, lessening the burden on you and your family?  I can go on and on, the simple fact is, Donald Trump has no answers.

Hillary Clinton now must protect herself on two fronts, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.  Does anyone remember when Raph Nader ran for president?

If anyone wants to doubt the semblance between Ralph Nader and Bernie Sanders, look no further than the George W. Bush, Al Gore and Ralph Nader presidential race in 2000.  What should be happening, and probably won't, is Bernie Sanders, pivoting sharing, notice I use the word sharing not telling, his supporters that he will do everything he can to make sure they are represented, but the reality is he has no chance and will support Hillary Clinton and ensure his supporters will be heard.  He does not have enough delegates.  Mr. Weaver also has to pivot to this, and unless this is done, you have the very real chance of Donald Trump becoming the president of the United States

I ask all of you progressive women, all of you progressive men, do not allow what happened in the Presidential election of 2000 or midterm election of 2012.  If we lose the presidency and lose the House and lose the Senate, if you think gridlock was bad then.  However, I have seen Democrats, progressives and independents shoot themselves in the foot over and over again because of ideological differences.  You shoot yourselves in the foot and hurt your own cause by letting the Republicans win again and again.

So, if the Democratic Party,, and I know, the Democratic Party has problems, if the Democratic Party,  progressives, the independent voters with progressive thinking, the women,, Hispanic community,  the black community, the young students who are saddled with the immense student debt, the Asians, the L G B T community, who want to be included in this you need to pivot now ransition people!