Monday, September 4, 2017

My Country Tis of Thee

     President Donald Trump has not accomplished very much.  Comparing President Obama's nine executive orders to President Trump's executive orders  of seven, President Trump is catching up with President Obama.  Trump was always complaining about Obama's  signing of executive orders. 
     No bill has passed the house and senate and been senate for President Trump to sign. The only area that has happened is Judge Gorsuch elevation to the Supreme Court.  No bills, nothing. Not a very good track record considering that the Republicans have control of the House, Senate and the Office of the President.
     When Trump  said that John McCain was not a hero, is not a war hero, it became a challenge to  McCain.  did McCain forget this?  Of course he didn't.   When the book came to repeal all volunteer John McCain remembered what Trump said about him, about him not being a hero..  After spending time as a prisoner of war, suffering under brutal conditions unlike Trump,, who had a deferment  for bone spurs, McCain was trying to protect his country.  So when the plan about came to repeal Obama care.  John McCain stood in the House of Representatives and put his thumb down, thereby rubbing Trump's nose into his ill fated response that McCain was not a hero.

     Now Trump has a larger problem on his hands.  He has hurricane  Harvey to deal with.  Not so long ago in the history of Republican Party, and especially the Republican Party of Texas. On or about October 2012 Eric Cantor and Mitt Romney said, "Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) notoriously said federal disaster aid should be met with budget cuts, while presidential nominee Mitt Romney appeared to suggested during a debate in June that FEMA should be shuttered in favor of individual states taking on disaster relief management" (source:  Search Google for other instances of where Republicans want to cut FEMA.
      let's go ahead and add a bake sale of all the churches in Houston.  Oh wait, that didn't work out too well  before didn't?  In a red state like Texas a specially Houston Texas, the red state Republicans are crying send us FEMA money, send us FEMA relief. This after trashing FEMA, this after stating  FEMA was a waste. Now all of a sudden they want the federal government to step in and save them? What hypocrites. Yes I know Harvey was a real disaster. But after bad mouthing FEMA the quislings in the Rep;ublcan party turn tail and run the the Federal Government. Must like Rick Perry did when he shorted the fire fighters volunteer fire departments then asked for Federal funds to shore up what he had done.
     According to the Christian Monitor, "This week, the administration gave seven local disaster declarations to specific Texas counties, but Perry criticized the federal government for not making bulldozers at Fort Hood available to firefighters in nearby Bastrop County. This after the Republican-led Texas Legislature cut volunteer fire department "assistance grants" for equipment like bulldozers by 75 percent this summer to help balance the state budget. In Texas, volunteer firefighters do 80 percent of the wildland firefighting."  (Source:

     I can go on. Two things stand out Transgender people serving in the armed forces of the United States and the DACA children. (Though no longer children.

     Let me first address the Transgender armed forced personnel serving in harms way. Thank you for your service. However that being said, the sitting Republican President, Donald Trump and the Republican Party will never be comfortable with you at their "table". They have been stringing you along. Every one of you in the LGBT community who voted Republican or voted for someone else thinking Hillary Clinton was bad, well now you have Trump who will pander to his base. How many gay or lesbian people did you see on stage with a Republican running for any office? Or how many Republicans did you see fighting for your rights as a person?  Those LGBT people who voted for someone else because they could not stomach Hillary or those LGBT people who outright voted for Trump, well now you have him you own it. If and I say if I were LGBT or gay or lesbian, I would immediately  request separation from service because, "The president of the United States has firmly stated that I can no longer serve since I am transgender."  If you are gay or lesbian you can phrase it as, "The president of the United States has made it clear that gay or lesbian service members are not welcome in the military. For this reason I submit my resignation." Of course both of these may or may not work. However if enough of you do this it will leave a paper trail. Let's say some of it works. What then? Private companies like Google, Lockheed, General Electric and other areas are open. Make sure you have locked down your second career before separating from the Armed Forces.

     Now we come to DACA. Hispanics have had a rough ride with the Republican party. They want your votes and you gave them your votes in the last election. Example 1, Roberto Beristain: "Helen Beristain voted for Donald Trump even though she is married to an undocumented immigrant.
In November, she thought Trump would deport only people with criminal records -- people he called "bad hombres" -- and that he would leave families intact.
"I don't think ICE is out there to detain anyone and break families, no," Beristain told CNN affiliate  WBST in March, shortly after her husband, Roberto Beristain was detained by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
     On Wednesday, Beristain was proven wrong as ICE split her family across two countries.
 Roberto Beristain, 44, was deported back to Mexico despite having no criminal record, family attorney Adam Ansari said.
     "He hadn't committed any crimes. He didn't even have a parking ticket," Ansari said. "From everyone's accounts he is probably one of the most lovable guys you will ever meet. He is a loving husband and father. And he put a lot of work into his restaurant."  (Source: 

     Oh no! Well what did you expect. Trump is pandering to his base. Yes he was in the country illegally however he owned a restaurant, owned, paying taxes and employing people.  No case study for leniency. They could have fined him and put him on probation for 3 years and issued a green card.
     Now onto DACA. Federal agents ignored President Trump's pledge to protect from deportation undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children by sending a young man back to his native Mexico, the first such documented case, a USA TODAY examination of the new administration's immigration policies shows.
     After spending an evening with his girlfriend in Calexico, Calif., on Feb. 17, Juan Manuel Montes, 23, who has lived in the U.S. since age 9, grabbed a bite and was waiting for a ride when a U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer approached and started asking questions.
     Montes was twice granted deportation protections under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program created by President Barack Obama and left intact by President Trump.
Montes had left his wallet in a friend's car, so he couldn't produce his ID or proof of his DACA status and was told by agents he couldn't retrieve them. Within three hours, he was back in Mexico, becoming the first undocumented immigrant with active DACA status deported by the Trump administration's stepped-up deportation policy.   (Source: .)   

     So did you Hispanics vote for Donald Trump either thinking he would not deport an illegal who is productive and contributing to the United States? Yea, I thought so.  Were you a DACA person who thought Hillary was just way to bad to vote for and either voted for another candidate or voted for Trump. Well DACA people you have your worst nightmare. 
     What to do now. If you are a DACA person I would suggest you see if you have dual citizenship. If you do, take up the language of your choice for the next 4 months then check job opportunities. Another way is to ask for asylum from Canada stating that you have a degree and would like to provide Canada with your skills asking your family be granted asylum too.
     President Trump will always pander to his base. He watches Fox News religiously and tweets to protect himself. 
     If you are in the military, transgender, gay or lesbian seek new employment and career. Request separation legally from the military. Consult an attorney familiar with military law specifically with the Code of Military Justice in particular honorable separation from the military. 
    For those who are here illegally who have a business, sell the business now before ICE comes knocking at your door. Make sure you have your family ready to seek asylum in Canada. 
   For those who are DACA children make the move now. Don't wait. Get all your documents ready for the move to Canada. The Business Insider has a good article on how to move to Canada and become a Canadian citizen ( .)
     Above all do not believe Donald Trump nor the Republican Party. Move and move now.