Sunday, February 11, 2018


Okay people time to get down and dirty with Google Inc. This from Sara their I guess official spokesman for ther Google Wehrmacht at Google Central called a 'Community Specialist', however I don't think she nor Google Inc. is much into their own community. Here is what she wrote on a response to a request to get the old google calendar back from so may up set google users.

"Hi All,

Thanks for pitching in.

Currently, the users who are still accessing the old Calendar UI, will be transitioned to the new UI, with no ability to opt out. And, the users who are unable to access old calendar, unfortunately there isn't an option to go back to the old view.

I'd suggest taking a look at the below resources for more information about the new Google Calendar UI.

Help Center Article
Our Google Blog
G Suite FAQs

You may also send your detailed feedback directly to our Google Calendar team.


Yeah about that Sara, you don't have a Help Center Article to help us out. You have a propaganda Blog from your own Wehrmacht at Google Central and your G Suite FAQ's sound like something a propaganda machine. Yeah Everything's rosy at Google.

I would urge every one who is upset at Google for not allowing a choice in this matter who has stock in Google Inc. to dump their stock now then call three other people who own large amounts of Google Inc stock to dump their stock too, and so on and so on.

That this company is so insensitive to their own users is amazing. I would also ask any one who knows of any other google type suites that integrate email (gmail), calendar (gmail) and voice (google voice) to step forward as did Open Office dot Org and create and open source that will be friendly if Google Inc does not come to their senses.