Monday, November 12, 2018

Is It Time for Jedge Dred?

The United States and it's collective citizens have a problem, gangs. Drive by's, innocent children shot. Families in anguish. Which now begs the question, is it time for a Judge Dred. You know who I am talking about. Sylvester Stallone who played Judge Dred.  The film takes place in 2080 and depicts a dystopian world and the crime-ridden metropolis Mega-City. (more on the Judge Dred Movies here. The last sentence is from Wikipedea).

The reason I ask if it is time for a Judge Dred is that there seems nothing can be done to stop gangs like MS-13 or other gangs like them. Judge Dred was lawyer in charge of the defense (asking the defendant was guilty), prosecutor, judge and executioner, although most of the time the defendant ended up being guilty and the out come for the defendant was not good. 

Judge Dred carried out extra judicial executions sanctioned by the government in a lawless society trying to protect what little normalcy was left.  In the same way, perhaps it is time for a  Judiciary capable and authorized by Congress and sanctioned by the Supreme Court. 

In this scenario the United states would be broken into 6 districts; North Western Judicial, South Western Judicial.  Over the Rockies it would be Mid North Judicial, Mid South Judicial. Past the Mississippi it would be North Eastern Judicial and South Easter Judicial.

Once both  houses of congress agrees that a particular gang poses a 'CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER' to the United States and it's citizens, the Supreme Court reviews the CaPD and notifies congress if it does or not.  (this being the check and balance. taking into account the citizens killed by the gang. The FEDERAL MARSHAL'S OFFICE  will train and deputize 100 people per district and a special 'badge' will be created for those deputized officers.  The RICO EXECUTION WARRANT will then be sent to one of the six districts that requested the RICO EXECUTION WARRANT.

At any time the district can rescind the RICO EXECUTION WARRANT if the gang in question takes steps NOT to be a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to the united states.  Once the RICO EXECUTION WARRANT is issued 25 of the SPECIAL FEDERAL MARSHALS will be sent to carry out the RICO EXECUTION WARRANT on  the gang   The warrant will list the names of those on the RICO EXECUTION WARRANT.  

Once set in motion and the congress and supreme Court has reviewed the names and the district agrees there is no reprieve. Those listed on the RICO EXECUTION WARRANT will be met with extreme prejudice.

Do I think this will ever happen? Probably not. If it does and nothing changes will it happen?  Perhaps if everything stays the same the the citizens get fed up. That will take about 50 years or longer. .

Remember the gangster Al Capone? He was not taken down for murder he was taken down after the IRS looked over his finances.  We have a similar situation with the gangs though it is not exactly the same. Right now the RICO statute is used as a very effective tool a looking at the way the gangs are organzied.