Sunday, December 25, 2016

What It Means Today

A lot of things come to mind when the Christmas Season is upon us. Family and friends and depression is always around the corner. I remember when I saw how sad my mother was when dad left her when I was in my early teens. A young boy can only do so much since he does not have all the skills an adult has. However, he does have that love a child has for his mother. Same goes for any of you who have the empathy for those close to you. Remember too, if you are lucky to have a nice warm house with a Christmas tree or Hanukkah candles with presents and a nice dinner setting, remember there are others who for reasons known and unknown have nothing. They live in a cardboard house under an over pass or hidden by the trees near a lake or stream and to them survival is not just some unknown arena, it is as real as it gets.  It means you are lucky, you have been given a break that others have not. Remember this and the question that most are afraid to ask if you are a Christian, "What would Christ do?"

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