Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The Debt Ceiling? Really?

Well, we have heard of Kevin McCarthy, the conservatives, the MAGA Republicans and the ultra right conservatives. Oh and we can't forget Marjorie Taylor Green.

No matter how you spin it taking 15 votes to become speaker of the House is a disaster. And what did he do to obtain the speakership? He sold his soul to the devil. He can be replaced at any time.

Yes, Republicans lifted the debt ceiling without spending cuts under Trump. House Republicans say they won’t lift the debt ceiling unless President Biden agrees to cut spending. Viewers asked whether they had the same demands for Trump.  Evidently not.

Let's presume we get cuts and social programs. Are you listening to me, old Republican men who are on Social security and Medicare? Are you listening to me Republican military families who are about to receive a blow to the gut?

Old Republican men who are on Social security and are dependent upon that to pay their bills and everything else, who are medically dependent on Medicaid vote every time for republicans. And you wonder why the Democrats have to come in and clean up their mess, every time.

If you are an old senior citizen male white Republican dependent upon Social security and Medicare I would urge you to contact 10 people and have them contact 10 people and have them contact in people and have them contact Kevin McCarthy and the other idiots who want to do this.

Now all of you Wall Street people who follow Larry kudlow who is the worst person to follow as far as financial advice goes, all you Wall Street brokers that are cheering on the Republicans wait for it it's going to hit you like a ton of bricks and you won't even know what hit you. The stock market will crash and every person who lost money is going to blame you.

The debt ceiling is paid for previous bills it is the faith in the United States government. I have a curious question for all those wonderful MAGA Republicans crying out were You when Donald Trump and yourselves tacked on millions of dollars of overruns where were you? Yeah I thought so. So now you're crying like little babies because now it's a Democrat not your dear friend Donald Trump and you're afraid of him. Don't try to deny it every Republican in the Senate or the House of Representatives is afraid of Donald Trump. There is a yellow stripe down every Republican's back who is afraid of Donald Trump.

The debt ceiling should be passed with a clean bill. Either that or use the 14th amendment or strike a platinum coin.

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