Sunday, July 31, 2022

unintended consequences

When you're young woman and the young man all you can think of is go to bed and use the bed like a rabbit.

There are consequences to that however one of them is pregnancy. If you happen to live in one of the batshit crazy dumbass States that you are going to have a problem if the woman is going to have an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or any other kind of health risk because of the pregnancy.

Women who have just turned 18 men who have just turned 18 are considering snip snip. Women are having tubal ligations men are having vasectomies.

It doesn't take a genius mathematician with a degree in string theory to figure out there is going to soon be a problem.

What happens in 3 to 6 years? Oh yes we're a large country we have a large population but if 35% of men and women decide to have no children whatsoever what are the consequences?

One consequence is the volunteer army which is already having problems obtaining recruits. The second consequence is corporations who are trying desperately to find qualified people and the third consequence is who is going to teach those children or a better way to say it who cares
That shit crazy supreme Court made a very serious error. And the bat shit crazy people and those States are going to be met with some very serious complications.

Good luck with that.

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