Monday, July 25, 2022

what now?

 Are you kidding me.

What has happened to all the strong women in the United States?

It seems are all the strong women have disappeared they are willing to have white old Republican men who have very tiny penises and whose nut sacks look like shriveled up prunes throw them under the bus.

There was a time when women knew who they were and would not take any crap from anybody why has that changed?

I will admit that I am a man 74 years old and yes I've taken to bed about four women in my lifetime I've been married one time only and after my wife passed away I saw a change to start with the woman of the United States becoming weaker allowing the men to run over them.

Ladies they are coming after your uteruses and your vaginas and they won't be satisfied until they turn their state into a Gestapo state where you cannot travel you cannot use birth control you cannot have an abortion you cannot have an ectopic pregnancy you cannot have a miscarriage in other words you're toast.

I would like you women to Google search a Greek play where women withheld sex from two Waring armies to stop the bloodshed of the men.

I don't feel sorry for you I feel sad for you because you were one strong. I could not imagine myself birthing a bowling ball.

When I had my daughter correction when my wife had our daughter she took my hand and almost broke my wrist while at the same time screaming, YOU GOT ME INTO THIS YOU SON OF A BITCH.

Of course I knew that was a pain talking and I also knew what was true she was strong. And like all other women seen you her body better than anyone else.

Please ladies please step up to the plate and vote these idiots out of office.

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