Saturday, August 13, 2022

Republican Murderers In Plain Sight

Every so often you have to ask your question did these people actually go to college did these people actually learn biology 101?

You have Republican legislators practicing medicine without a license. People who wish to become licensed physicians go four years to medical school not including the years of other college.

If they want a specialty like cardiology or OBGYN then there are more college ahead.

Centennials for legislator who is a doctor you would not want a dermatologist a medical doctor performing A cardiology procedure.

Most of these Republicans are men. They are definitely afraid of powerful women. They feel entitled. Most of them can't get it up keep it up or use it.

Most Republican men think that a vulva is a Volvo. Most of these men could not find the button which is why they are so frustrated with women.

Ladies if you are in one of those red States I urge you to move to a more friendlier state a more progressive state which will respect your rights as a woman and the privacy of you between your physician and yourself.

Sarah Heatherington Zarek, M.D., is a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist.

As most physicians in her field she is very concerned about the women that these laws will affect.

Remember, as a woman your life is on the line you can die in one of these states that have these laws. You can be disabled if you live in one of these states.

Shall I ask our legislators at 3 a.m. how to best treat the patient with an inevitable miscarriage who is rapidly hemorrhaging when the fetus still has a heartbeat?Shall I ask our legislators at 3 a.m. what to do for the patient with ruptured membranes at 19 weeks and a live fetus? Do I need to wait until she develops a life-threatening infection to intervene?How close to death is close enough?

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