Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Vote ,Democratic Vote Blue Up And Down The Ballot

Ladies here we are at the midterms once again. First of all I would like to thank all of you people for the compliments.

If you were a great grandmother, grandmother, mother or aunt, you have a specific task ahead of you. To protect your great grandchild girl, your grandchild girl or your niece.

Women have been taken advantage of far too long my men who have no idea what it means to give life.

Men do not have the capacity to give life only a woman has that ability. Oh a man May spill his semen all over the place but it will not become a living human being.

That is the province of women.

White old men and white powerful old man want to control your vaginas and your uteruses even though they have no idea of the function, even though they do not know where the G-Spot is much less know what it does and are unable to find that wonderful Joy spot every woman has.

But I am surprised at is how long it took women to rally around themselves and to take down the bat shit crazy dumbass white cracker .
I must really apologize for my gender. Yes I had multiple relationships when I was younger about 4 and I have been married one time.  

Ladies and I am talking to college females as well of voting age, time to take back your rights. Time to send the batshit crazy right wing Republicans out of office.

Let me make one statement about the right wing females. They are holding on to the coattails of the white privileged men. That does not bode well for them.

If you encounter one of these right wing female batshit crazy women just let them know you are sorry that they're eggs have shriveled up with cobwebs and that's why no one likes them.

As for me, I have lived a pretty good life and yes I have had made mistakes some I have learned from others I have not. I have lived about 4/5 of my life, the rest of my time on this world is gravy.

When I look at a woman what do I see? I see a vibrant human being who has the power to give life, whose eyes sparkle like diamonds in the night sky and can turn a man into a whimpering little bitch.

I see a woman whose lips and mouth carry the tone of authority and protection of the human race.

No matter what the shape or size her breasts give life and protect the life that she bears.

I see the long legs the pelvis that allows her to give birth to a bowling ball that a man could not even fathom.

What I am saying is that I honor all women whether you are a mother or decide not to be you are the protector of the human race not men.

I now address the men reading this. Guys don't be stupid. Honor the woman you are with are the women you are friends with. Women have a large capacity to put up with a lot of men's bullshit, but there is a limit. Ask any man over 35 years old who has a wife or a girlfriend, ask him what happens when he makes her very very very angry and very upset.

If you get to that point I have some advice for you men. Go to The Home Depot buy a saw hammer some nails and some lumber. In the backyard build yourself a dog house and stay there until she is ready to invite you back.

For now ladies the midterm elections and to a great extent the national elections are in your court. Vote vote vote. Vote democratic, vote blue up and down the ballot.

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