Saturday, October 28, 2023

Israelis Palestinians Abraham formerly Abrahim.

My my my how things have changed. Hamas and Israel making sure Hamas doesn't have any muscle and Palestinians caught in the middle.

Meanwhile to right wing settlers are murdering Palestinians. They do have a righteous feeling about Hamas killing Israelis. However that is no excuse for a pogrom against Palestinians.

They should remember the Germany they fled from. The problem is both religions spring from the loins of Abraham and right now Abraham is turning over in his grave.

Was Hamas wrong in doing this? Of course they were, they were completely wrong. In fact the Quran what Hamas did is in direct violation of what the Quran teaches.

Israel, and by that I mean Netanyahu has made a calculated mistake. Yes you need to sever the head of the snake that is Hamas, but in doing so in the manner that Israel is carrying out the severing they have also made enemies of an entire population of Gaza, let me explain.

As Israel was incensed by the murdering of their citizens and he taking of their citizens as hostages so too are the Palestinians now bitter. This will simmer. What happens between 3 months 6 months a year and a half we don't know but we do, know that there is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth in this region of the world. I truly believe that Israel is going to have a problem unless they wipe out the entire Palestinian population which is happening at the moment.

Yes I know what collateral damage is. But when you have collective punishment then that collective punishment will come back to haunt you again and again, it will be a vicious cycle.

How many prime Ministers of Israel have been assassinated because they tried to make peace by Israeli citizens? 
Come on tell me. Israel will never be a peaceful state never unless and until they learn that for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction it is a law of nature.

So what happens now? We do know and for sure I have no idea. Israel is in Gaza, communications are non-existent for the Palestinians. Hamas has not finished yet they still hold hostages, us and Israelis.

This is just my observation, I believe he Israeli government has written off the hostages as collateral damage they are hoping to rescue them but that is the secondary outcome because they want to eliminate a Hamas.

In certain instances Israel has crossed the line and the ultra far right settlers have erased the line.

In Israel the two State solution is not popular, not really. You cannot contain people in the condition Gaza is without it exploding every few years.

The state of Israel did have a c  hance with other Arab states. 
They had gained a lot of gains with Arab states.   Most of that has gone out the window.  Those are states are Muslim, and all politics are local.

So what to do now? I have no answer. This is really up to the Israeli government it's Israeli citizens and Palestinians who have Israeli citizenship.

I do have an inkling of what will happen and not all of that is good. The state of Israel will wipe out or completely dismember Hamas and doing so it will antagonize and renew the anti-israeli sentiment of the Palestinians who have lost mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, granddaughters and grandmothers. Whose population have lost entire families. Just as Israelis have lost their loved ones. This will not sit well with Palestinians. They will come back in a year, 2 years, 3 years. They will have a long memory of this.

And Israel will mourn the Dead who were slaughtered and possibly mourn the collateral damage of the Israeli hostages.

This is a no-win situation for either the state of Israel or for Gaza.

One thing I do know, the reason the war, if you want to call it that, there was no declaration. The God  (Adonai) of Israel the Jewish, The God  (Allah) of Muslims and the God of Christians (Yahweh) had given mankind one thing that sets mankind apart, that is free will.

Free will is mankind's sword of Damocles it cuts both ways. Hamas and the state of Israel needs to be aware of this.

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