Thursday, October 26, 2023

Sean Hannity and Nikki Haley

Hours before a suspect, a U.S. Army reservist with mental health concerns, fatally shot 18 people in Lewiston, Maine Wednesday, the Senate approved an amendment that would scale back background check requirements for some veterans and service members with mental health issues

I watch Sean hannity and Nikki Haley pontificate about mental health issues that was all about mental Health we need more mental Health and what do the Republicans do the exact opposite.

They talked out of both sides of their mouths. Another glaring omission is that most Republicans don't like Obamacare and they are not willing to expand Medicaid which would help with the mental Health crisis but that's too easy.

I'm going to make another prediction there was going to be another mass shooting I don't know when I don't know where and I don't know how but there will be another mass shooting and again thoughts and prayers will go out but nothing will be done nothing.

Unless or until someone with an AK-47 affects a Republican's family nothing will be done. I'm not advocating this I'm just stating a simple fact.

There is a reason that the red flag law is a good law. What Republican mother wants her daughter killed by an angry abusive or jealous boyfriend or husband who has an AK-47 or a 22 caliber pistol and is willing to take her daughter out and by out I don't mean going out dining I mean killing her murdering her.

I know this post will probably not be very popular however you can't deny the truth the truth is that guns kill people AK-47s are meant to kill lots of people. To the police officers in the United States how many of your brothers have committed suicide because they were in a crisis and should have been subject to a red flag law.

How many families accidentally left their weapon out and their child shot their sibling. A simple trigger lock would have sufficed or a biometric gun would have prevented it but that's too easy for republicans.

No, it's going to happen again and again and again and again and no one will have the courage to address it.

Republicans are looking to say that the Democrats or progresses are politicizing it. No we're telling you like it is an AK-47 is designed to kill.

In Newtown, the high school in Florida, The Mandalay in Las Vegas and many more. How many people are the Republicans willing to sacrifice before they actually do something either expand Medicaid for psychiatric Services and ObamaCare psychiatric Services and provide training for psychic 1psych tech 2.  Training for LCSW and psychiatrists.

Don't hold your breath.  

I remember growing up at 12 years old and taking a course in gun safety. How to carry your rifle pointed down how to cross over a fence never point the rifle at anyone even hitting around because that would be dangerous.

Now you have 8 year olds doing drive-by shootings who have no idea the Carnage they are going to be delivering to their community that they are either going to wind up dead or in juvenile hall until they turn adult and then probably be shipped off to prison.

I will say this to the moderates and the Republican party if there are any of them left, use your common sense. You say you want to rain in the FBI. Go ahead do that and the next time there is a mass shooting ask why they don't have the resources.

To the MAGA crowd and election deniers think back to January 6th when your house was invaded pillaged destroyed. Think back to when they shouted, "HANG MIKE PENCE, HANG MIKE PENCE, HANG MIKE PENCE."

How both Republican and Democratic House Representatives had to hide in their own house and the people's house in order not to be harmed. And then you would not even pass to give the police officers who tried to protect you and award for the heroism shame on you who voted against that. That is a dark stain that will follow you.

And if you believe in God and you believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and you believe in the holy Spirit and the apostles you better hope that God does not judge you you better pray for mercy because on that day of atonement you will probably be judged. 

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