Saturday, October 28, 2023

Israelis Palestinians Abraham formerly Abrahim.

My my my how things have changed. Hamas and Israel making sure Hamas doesn't have any muscle and Palestinians caught in the middle.

Meanwhile to right wing settlers are murdering Palestinians. They do have a righteous feeling about Hamas killing Israelis. However that is no excuse for a pogrom against Palestinians.

They should remember the Germany they fled from. The problem is both religions spring from the loins of Abraham and right now Abraham is turning over in his grave.

Was Hamas wrong in doing this? Of course they were, they were completely wrong. In fact the Quran what Hamas did is in direct violation of what the Quran teaches.

Israel, and by that I mean Netanyahu has made a calculated mistake. Yes you need to sever the head of the snake that is Hamas, but in doing so in the manner that Israel is carrying out the severing they have also made enemies of an entire population of Gaza, let me explain.

As Israel was incensed by the murdering of their citizens and he taking of their citizens as hostages so too are the Palestinians now bitter. This will simmer. What happens between 3 months 6 months a year and a half we don't know but we do, know that there is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth in this region of the world. I truly believe that Israel is going to have a problem unless they wipe out the entire Palestinian population which is happening at the moment.

Yes I know what collateral damage is. But when you have collective punishment then that collective punishment will come back to haunt you again and again, it will be a vicious cycle.

How many prime Ministers of Israel have been assassinated because they tried to make peace by Israeli citizens? 
Come on tell me. Israel will never be a peaceful state never unless and until they learn that for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction it is a law of nature.

So what happens now? We do know and for sure I have no idea. Israel is in Gaza, communications are non-existent for the Palestinians. Hamas has not finished yet they still hold hostages, us and Israelis.

This is just my observation, I believe he Israeli government has written off the hostages as collateral damage they are hoping to rescue them but that is the secondary outcome because they want to eliminate a Hamas.

In certain instances Israel has crossed the line and the ultra far right settlers have erased the line.

In Israel the two State solution is not popular, not really. You cannot contain people in the condition Gaza is without it exploding every few years.

The state of Israel did have a c  hance with other Arab states. 
They had gained a lot of gains with Arab states.   Most of that has gone out the window.  Those are states are Muslim, and all politics are local.

So what to do now? I have no answer. This is really up to the Israeli government it's Israeli citizens and Palestinians who have Israeli citizenship.

I do have an inkling of what will happen and not all of that is good. The state of Israel will wipe out or completely dismember Hamas and doing so it will antagonize and renew the anti-israeli sentiment of the Palestinians who have lost mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, granddaughters and grandmothers. Whose population have lost entire families. Just as Israelis have lost their loved ones. This will not sit well with Palestinians. They will come back in a year, 2 years, 3 years. They will have a long memory of this.

And Israel will mourn the Dead who were slaughtered and possibly mourn the collateral damage of the Israeli hostages.

This is a no-win situation for either the state of Israel or for Gaza.

One thing I do know, the reason the war, if you want to call it that, there was no declaration. The God  (Adonai) of Israel the Jewish, The God  (Allah) of Muslims and the God of Christians (Yahweh) had given mankind one thing that sets mankind apart, that is free will.

Free will is mankind's sword of Damocles it cuts both ways. Hamas and the state of Israel needs to be aware of this.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Sean Hannity and Nikki Haley

Hours before a suspect, a U.S. Army reservist with mental health concerns, fatally shot 18 people in Lewiston, Maine Wednesday, the Senate approved an amendment that would scale back background check requirements for some veterans and service members with mental health issues

I watch Sean hannity and Nikki Haley pontificate about mental health issues that was all about mental Health we need more mental Health and what do the Republicans do the exact opposite.

They talked out of both sides of their mouths. Another glaring omission is that most Republicans don't like Obamacare and they are not willing to expand Medicaid which would help with the mental Health crisis but that's too easy.

I'm going to make another prediction there was going to be another mass shooting I don't know when I don't know where and I don't know how but there will be another mass shooting and again thoughts and prayers will go out but nothing will be done nothing.

Unless or until someone with an AK-47 affects a Republican's family nothing will be done. I'm not advocating this I'm just stating a simple fact.

There is a reason that the red flag law is a good law. What Republican mother wants her daughter killed by an angry abusive or jealous boyfriend or husband who has an AK-47 or a 22 caliber pistol and is willing to take her daughter out and by out I don't mean going out dining I mean killing her murdering her.

I know this post will probably not be very popular however you can't deny the truth the truth is that guns kill people AK-47s are meant to kill lots of people. To the police officers in the United States how many of your brothers have committed suicide because they were in a crisis and should have been subject to a red flag law.

How many families accidentally left their weapon out and their child shot their sibling. A simple trigger lock would have sufficed or a biometric gun would have prevented it but that's too easy for republicans.

No, it's going to happen again and again and again and again and no one will have the courage to address it.

Republicans are looking to say that the Democrats or progresses are politicizing it. No we're telling you like it is an AK-47 is designed to kill.

In Newtown, the high school in Florida, The Mandalay in Las Vegas and many more. How many people are the Republicans willing to sacrifice before they actually do something either expand Medicaid for psychiatric Services and ObamaCare psychiatric Services and provide training for psychic 1psych tech 2.  Training for LCSW and psychiatrists.

Don't hold your breath.  

I remember growing up at 12 years old and taking a course in gun safety. How to carry your rifle pointed down how to cross over a fence never point the rifle at anyone even hitting around because that would be dangerous.

Now you have 8 year olds doing drive-by shootings who have no idea the Carnage they are going to be delivering to their community that they are either going to wind up dead or in juvenile hall until they turn adult and then probably be shipped off to prison.

I will say this to the moderates and the Republican party if there are any of them left, use your common sense. You say you want to rain in the FBI. Go ahead do that and the next time there is a mass shooting ask why they don't have the resources.

To the MAGA crowd and election deniers think back to January 6th when your house was invaded pillaged destroyed. Think back to when they shouted, "HANG MIKE PENCE, HANG MIKE PENCE, HANG MIKE PENCE."

How both Republican and Democratic House Representatives had to hide in their own house and the people's house in order not to be harmed. And then you would not even pass to give the police officers who tried to protect you and award for the heroism shame on you who voted against that. That is a dark stain that will follow you.

And if you believe in God and you believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and you believe in the holy Spirit and the apostles you better hope that God does not judge you you better pray for mercy because on that day of atonement you will probably be judged. 

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Does Texas and Florida Follow the Bible Or Is Governor Abbott and Governor DeSantis actually a Christian

Let's take a close look at this shall we. According to a denomination census released in 2020, Texas claimed 5,341 churches and 1,708,415 members. The largest Christian denomination in Florida is Protestant (46%).  Let's see how Christian this is.

Do you remember Governor Abbott loading migrants on a plane in Texas and then having it land in Florida so they can save the migrants were in Florida then flying them to Martha's vineyard?

Do you remember recently that migrants were flown from Florida to California?

Let's examine this as a true believer in the Bible and Christianity.

“When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not wrong him. The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one of your citizens; you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt” (Lev. 19:33-34).

That does not seem very Christian of Governor Abbott or Governor DeSantis. Let's move on shall we?

Matthew 25:35
English Standard Version
35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me

Well that didn't seem very welcoming from Governor Abbott and Governor DeSantis neither did what Florida did sending the migrants to California. That does not seem very Christian.

Deuteronomy 27:19
English Standard Version
19 “‘Cursed be anyone who perverts the justice due to the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’

Be careful Governor Abbott be careful Governor disaster be careful Christians in Texas and Christians in Florida. You may be able to do this in this world but you will be held accountable.

Deuteronomy 10:18
English Standard Version
18 He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing.

Let's take a look at this. It doesn't seem that Governor Abbott who gave food or clothing to the migrants neither did Florida nor DeSantis. The question becomes what kind of Christians are Governor Abbott and Governor DeSantis and thereby what kind of Christians reside in Texas and in Florida.

Ezekiel 22:7
English Standard Version
7 Father and mother are treated with contempt in you; the sojourner suffers extortion in your midst; the fatherless and the widow are wronged in you.

Extortion? Could it be deceiving migrants to Martha's vineyard deceiving migrants to California and in some cases children who are fatherless and women who are widows after their long journey.

The question is this then, what kind of Christian is Governor Abbott and what kind of Christian is Governor DeSantis.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The Debt Ceiling? Really?

Well, we have heard of Kevin McCarthy, the conservatives, the MAGA Republicans and the ultra right conservatives. Oh and we can't forget Marjorie Taylor Green.

No matter how you spin it taking 15 votes to become speaker of the House is a disaster. And what did he do to obtain the speakership? He sold his soul to the devil. He can be replaced at any time.

Yes, Republicans lifted the debt ceiling without spending cuts under Trump. House Republicans say they won’t lift the debt ceiling unless President Biden agrees to cut spending. Viewers asked whether they had the same demands for Trump.  Evidently not.

Let's presume we get cuts and social programs. Are you listening to me, old Republican men who are on Social security and Medicare? Are you listening to me Republican military families who are about to receive a blow to the gut?

Old Republican men who are on Social security and are dependent upon that to pay their bills and everything else, who are medically dependent on Medicaid vote every time for republicans. And you wonder why the Democrats have to come in and clean up their mess, every time.

If you are an old senior citizen male white Republican dependent upon Social security and Medicare I would urge you to contact 10 people and have them contact 10 people and have them contact in people and have them contact Kevin McCarthy and the other idiots who want to do this.

Now all of you Wall Street people who follow Larry kudlow who is the worst person to follow as far as financial advice goes, all you Wall Street brokers that are cheering on the Republicans wait for it it's going to hit you like a ton of bricks and you won't even know what hit you. The stock market will crash and every person who lost money is going to blame you.

The debt ceiling is paid for previous bills it is the faith in the United States government. I have a curious question for all those wonderful MAGA Republicans crying out were You when Donald Trump and yourselves tacked on millions of dollars of overruns where were you? Yeah I thought so. So now you're crying like little babies because now it's a Democrat not your dear friend Donald Trump and you're afraid of him. Don't try to deny it every Republican in the Senate or the House of Representatives is afraid of Donald Trump. There is a yellow stripe down every Republican's back who is afraid of Donald Trump.

The debt ceiling should be passed with a clean bill. Either that or use the 14th amendment or strike a platinum coin.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

To The US Hispanic Population Able To Legally Vote

There have been articles and the news that some Hispanic voters May sit out the election.

You have every right to do that. You have every right to vote or not to vote. But remember in the 1920s and Los Angeles and Texas how Hispanics were treated and or sometimes prevented from voting

The Democrats did the same thing a few years ago. They cannot find the stomach to vote for Hillary rodham Clinton as president. Instead they chose a man who bankrupted a casino. How do you bankrupt a casino. He bankrupted his own airline.

With that we saw Hispanic mothers whose children were taken away from them and even now the government cannot find the parents of these children.

You only have to look to the supreme Court to find out what happens if you don't vote. Murder charges against a woman who has a miscarriage? Murder charges against a woman who has an ectopic pregnancy? Elections matter.

It comes down to who are you going to vote for that will at least, at least somewhat aligne with what you expect from your elected official.

Now this is what happens. If you are voting for a senator, and you don't like either one of them, however one of them is better than the other one. Remember, for 4 years

Meaning if you stay home and the other person, the one that you really despise and dislike, get selected he will serve for 4 years and you will not be able to vote him out of office for 4 years.

Likewise a member of the House of Representatives serves for 2 years. And a person in the house is already running for reelection so if a person was elected that you didn't want in, he's going to raise enough money to be reelected.

Great going by shooting yourself in the foot.

Elections have consequences. Hispanics, asians, blacks, native Americans another ethnicities had their own unique problems, not voting, staying home will not solve your problem.

Vote in your city elections. Vote who's going to be your dog catcher, vote who's going to be in charge of the city's finances. 

If you live in a county, vote for your supervisor vote for your sheriff vote for the judges.

City and county officials will impact your life and countless ways.

In state elections do your research on the people running for office. If the person says that flying saucers that were crude by Jewish rabbis set the California forest fires, that should be a clue.

And finally the final vote, the votes for presidency the highest office that this country has. The person elected will have this office for 4 years and then we'll run for reelection.

Remember world war I remember world war II I remember the Vietnam war remember 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan.

Many different ethnicities fought in those wars died in those wars for the right of you to vote. Do not dishonor our fallen soldiers especially those who are Gold Star mothers.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Vote ,Democratic Vote Blue Up And Down The Ballot

Ladies here we are at the midterms once again. First of all I would like to thank all of you people for the compliments.

If you were a great grandmother, grandmother, mother or aunt, you have a specific task ahead of you. To protect your great grandchild girl, your grandchild girl or your niece.

Women have been taken advantage of far too long my men who have no idea what it means to give life.

Men do not have the capacity to give life only a woman has that ability. Oh a man May spill his semen all over the place but it will not become a living human being.

That is the province of women.

White old men and white powerful old man want to control your vaginas and your uteruses even though they have no idea of the function, even though they do not know where the G-Spot is much less know what it does and are unable to find that wonderful Joy spot every woman has.

But I am surprised at is how long it took women to rally around themselves and to take down the bat shit crazy dumbass white cracker .
I must really apologize for my gender. Yes I had multiple relationships when I was younger about 4 and I have been married one time.  

Ladies and I am talking to college females as well of voting age, time to take back your rights. Time to send the batshit crazy right wing Republicans out of office.

Let me make one statement about the right wing females. They are holding on to the coattails of the white privileged men. That does not bode well for them.

If you encounter one of these right wing female batshit crazy women just let them know you are sorry that they're eggs have shriveled up with cobwebs and that's why no one likes them.

As for me, I have lived a pretty good life and yes I have had made mistakes some I have learned from others I have not. I have lived about 4/5 of my life, the rest of my time on this world is gravy.

When I look at a woman what do I see? I see a vibrant human being who has the power to give life, whose eyes sparkle like diamonds in the night sky and can turn a man into a whimpering little bitch.

I see a woman whose lips and mouth carry the tone of authority and protection of the human race.

No matter what the shape or size her breasts give life and protect the life that she bears.

I see the long legs the pelvis that allows her to give birth to a bowling ball that a man could not even fathom.

What I am saying is that I honor all women whether you are a mother or decide not to be you are the protector of the human race not men.

I now address the men reading this. Guys don't be stupid. Honor the woman you are with are the women you are friends with. Women have a large capacity to put up with a lot of men's bullshit, but there is a limit. Ask any man over 35 years old who has a wife or a girlfriend, ask him what happens when he makes her very very very angry and very upset.

If you get to that point I have some advice for you men. Go to The Home Depot buy a saw hammer some nails and some lumber. In the backyard build yourself a dog house and stay there until she is ready to invite you back.

For now ladies the midterm elections and to a great extent the national elections are in your court. Vote vote vote. Vote democratic, vote blue up and down the ballot.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Republican Murderers In Plain Sight

Every so often you have to ask your question did these people actually go to college did these people actually learn biology 101?

You have Republican legislators practicing medicine without a license. People who wish to become licensed physicians go four years to medical school not including the years of other college.

If they want a specialty like cardiology or OBGYN then there are more college ahead.

Centennials for legislator who is a doctor you would not want a dermatologist a medical doctor performing A cardiology procedure.

Most of these Republicans are men. They are definitely afraid of powerful women. They feel entitled. Most of them can't get it up keep it up or use it.

Most Republican men think that a vulva is a Volvo. Most of these men could not find the button which is why they are so frustrated with women.

Ladies if you are in one of those red States I urge you to move to a more friendlier state a more progressive state which will respect your rights as a woman and the privacy of you between your physician and yourself.

Sarah Heatherington Zarek, M.D., is a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist.

As most physicians in her field she is very concerned about the women that these laws will affect.

Remember, as a woman your life is on the line you can die in one of these states that have these laws. You can be disabled if you live in one of these states.

Shall I ask our legislators at 3 a.m. how to best treat the patient with an inevitable miscarriage who is rapidly hemorrhaging when the fetus still has a heartbeat?Shall I ask our legislators at 3 a.m. what to do for the patient with ruptured membranes at 19 weeks and a live fetus? Do I need to wait until she develops a life-threatening infection to intervene?How close to death is close enough?